2020-2021 School Year Try out information
Try outs will be conducted virtually on October 31st
The majority of the events this year focus on written tests, so we will be using the quizzizz platform to administer the tryout test this year.
Exceptions: code busters, picture this, fermi questions and experimental design will be given using google forms.
Important information
1. Each prospective member will take their own try out tests for each event they are interested in.
2. I will take the scores for each partner for an event and average them to get your teams score.
3. Tryouts that will be held on October 31st, all events will be assessed on this date between 8 am and 4 pm.
4. 4 of the events will need to sign in at a specific time. Codebuster 9:30 am, WIDI 9:30- 10:30, Picture this 10:45.
5. For the build it events- boomilever, Gravity Vehicle and sound of music- Teams must email a short video to Ms. Sayward which show the progress of their design. For example you can show a test run using your gravity vehicle or if your team is still in the planning phase you can walk me through your design plan and be clear how it will work. Videos must be submitted by Nov. 1st
Event Updates
Orinthology- Use this list to prepare for the try out test I have shortened the list that would be used at regionals.
Fossils- Use this link to prepare for the try out test I have shortened the national list to help you better prepare.
Supply list for the Write it do it event- Jumbo Paper clips (10), Plastic cups (6), Plastic spoons (4), Standard post its 1 pack, Pencil (3), sheet of blank paper.