Unit 5 Air pollution
Due Dates for this unit
Unit 5 Current event Due- Dec. 7th (all blocks) Air Pollutant poems due- Dec. 9th (B day) and 10th (A Day) Chapter 17 quiz- Dec. 12th and 13th Air Pollution Solution Story is due on Dec. 18th and 19th Test is on Dec. 18th and 19th Notes Unit 5
Dec. 2nd and 3rd 1. Grading of Unit 4 FRQ 2. Good vs. Bad ozone webquest 3. Atmosphere Notes HW: Start reading Ch. 17 Edpuzzle on Stratospheric Ozone Dec. 4th and 5th 1. Air Quality Notes 2. Air Quality standards research webquest (due at the end of class) 3. Work on your Air Pollutant Poems/ Songs Use this link to find out the Pollutant you were assigned HW: finish you individual portion Dec. 6th (A day)
1. Pollution Solutions Story 2. work on your Poems or Chapter 17 reading Dec. 9th 1.Pollutant Poems- Carbon Monoxide, Lead and Particulate matter 2.5 presentations, Complete the Major Air pollutants chart while listening 2. Pollution Solutions Story HW: edpuzzle air pollution Dec. 10th and 11th
1. Poems- Sox, Nox and PM 10 Complete the Major Air pollutants chart while listening 2. Acid Rain Activity 3. Summarize the main sources, formation and problems with acid rain HW: Edpuzzle Atmosphere Dec. 12th and 13th 1. Chapter 17 quiz 2. Poems- Ozone, CFC, HG and VOC 3. Notes- Thermal inversions and smog 3. Magic square Air pollutants HW: Dec. 16th and 17th 1. Heat Islands Notes 2. Poems- indoor air pollutants Mold, Asbestos, Radon 3. Discussion on problem associated with indoor air pollution 4. Air Pollution Mysteries HW; Study for test Trophospheric ozone formation more detailed http://www.geography.hunter.cuny.edu/tbw/wc.notes/7.circ.atm/animations/GlobalWind.html Dec. 18th and 19th Unit test NO HOMEWORK! |