Unit 6- Energy
Chapters to read for this unit
Chapter 19 March 3rd (b day) and March 4th(A day) Energy Sources presentations due Feb. 29th for all classes Chapter 20 March 11th (B day) and March 20th (A day) Chapter 21 finish prior to the test (there will be no reading quiz) Test date March 17th (B day) and March 20th (A day) |
A DAY AdjustmentsIf you have not presented your energy research project please make sure you have the most recent version submitted to Canvas.
If your group did not present I will give you 2 options. 1. You can be scored off just the powerpoint and it will be scored out of 26 points instead of 33. 7 points of the project are for your presentation, so I will not hold those against you. 2. Your group can do a virtual presentation using Canvas's conference feature on Tuesday. I will have the conference open during the following times. 1A- 10am to 11:00am. 2A- 11:15- 12:15, 4A- 12:30- 1:30 If you choose this option your presentation will be scored out of the full 33 points. I understand that you may not have all group members participate and that will be ok, you can share the portion of the presentation that the individuals present were responsible for. IF the times I schedule on Tuesday do not work for you please email me and I will try to ensure that anyone who wants to do the virtual presentation gets a chance to. If you have any comments, questions or concerns please comment below or email me. I am trying to be flexible with the uncertainty that we have with COVID-19 and school cancellations. At this time I have cancelled the Energy Unit Test. Please continue to check Canvas as I will post update here through the announcements. |