April 2nd and 3rd
1. Grade FRQ 2. Fill in the bingo board 3. Create your half page study sheet to use during our review games List of material to review APES REVIEW RESOURCE HW: finish study sheet April 4th and 5th 1. Economic notes 2. Laws Bingo 3. People Magic Square 4. Major events memory HW: APES in a box Environmental history ed puzzle April 8th and 9th 1. Pre admin for the exam 2.Story of stuff video Part 1 3. GPI vs. GDP worksheet -If we have time Notes Wrap up HW: ED puzzle Bozeman Environmental Economics April 10th and 11th 1. Wrap up Economic Notes 2. Independent practice -Edpuzzle Story of stuff part 2 -chapter 22 worksheet 3. FRQ Analysis activity 4. Jeopardy game Review HW: Menu Assignment Extra Review- this can be done any day that you complete work early Quizlet review- 140 ways to go Apes Quizlet- Solid and Hazardous waste Quizlet- review for final exam April 12th and 22nd Mock FRQ you will work through 3 FRQs 1 math question, 1 article question and 1 graph question HW: Menu Assignment April 23rd and 24th
1. Grade FRQ 2. Review your FRQ correct your errors. 3. Enter your scores into this composite calculator (make sure to save this so we can add your MC to it as well) 4. Work on menu assignment HW: Menu Assignment April 25th and 26th 1. Peer Practice test you will work in groups of 3 and you will submit your answers to the google form. Only one google form needs to be submitted per group. HW: Menu Assignment April 29th and 30th 1. Practice MC test- individual HW: Menu Assignment May 1, 2 and 3 1. Correct the MC portion of the test 2. Menu Assignment HW: Menu Assignment |
UNCC AP review day will be April 27th 2019
Review PPT
Course Description from college board
Earth Systems and Resources (10%–15%)
The Living World (10%–15%)
Population (10%–15%)
Land and Water Use (10%–15%)
Energy Resources and Consumption (10%–15%)
Pollution (25%–30%)
A. Pollution Types 1. Air pollution (Sources — primary and secondary; major air pollutants; measurement units; smog; acid deposition — causes and effects; heat islands and temperature inversions; indoor air pollution; remediation and reduction strategies; Clean Air Act and other relevant laws)
1. Hazards to human health (Environmental risk analysis; acute and chronic effects; dose-response relationships; air pollutants; smoking and other risks)
2. Hazardous chemicals in the environment (Types of hazardous waste; treatment/disposal of hazardous waste; cleanup of contaminated sites; biomagnification; relevant laws)
C. Economic Impacts (Cost-benefit analysis; externalities; marginal costs; sustainability
Global Change (10%–15%)
Review PPT
Course Description from college board
Earth Systems and Resources (10%–15%)
- Earth Science Concepts (Geologic time scale; plate tectonics, earthquakes, volcanism; seasons; solar intensity and latitude)
- The Atmosphere (Composition; structure; weather and climate; atmospheric circulation and the Coriolis effect; atmosphere-ocean interactions; ENSO)
- Global Water Resources and Use (Freshwater/saltwater; ocean circulation; agricultural, industrial, and domestic use; surface and groundwater issues; global problems; conservation)
- Soil and Soil Dynamics (Rock cycle; formation; composition; physical and chemical properties; main soil types; erosion and other soil problems; soil conservation)
The Living World (10%–15%)
- Ecosystem Structure (Biological populations and communities; ecological niches; interactions among species; keystone species; species diversity and edge effects; major terrestrial and aquatic biomes)
- Energy Flow (Photosynthesis and cellular respiration; food webs and trophic levels; ecological pyramids)
- Ecosystem Diversity (Biodiversity; natural selection; evolution; ecosystem services)
- Natural Ecosystem Change (Climate shifts; species movement; ecological succession)
- Natural Biogeochemical Cycles (Carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, sulfur, water, conservation of matter)
Population (10%–15%)
- Population Biology Concepts (Population ecology; carrying capacity; reproductive strategies; survivorship)
- Human Population
Land and Water Use (10%–15%)
- Agriculture
- Forestry (Tree plantations; old growth forests; forest fires; forest management; national forests)
- Rangelands(Overgrazing; deforestation; desertification; rangeland management; federal rangelands)
- Other Land Use
- Mining (Mineral formation; extraction; global reserves; relevant laws and treaties)
- Fishing (Fishing techniques; overfishing; aquaculture; relevant laws and treaties)
- Global Economics (Globalization; World Bank; Tragedy of the Commons; relevant laws and treaties)
Energy Resources and Consumption (10%–15%)
- Energy Concepts (Energy forms; power; units; conversions; Laws of Thermodynamics)
- Energy Consumption
- Fossil Fuel Resources and Use (Formation of coal, oil, and natural gas; extraction/purification methods; world reserves and global demand; synfuels; environmental advantages/disadvantages of sources)
- Nuclear Energy (Nuclear fission process; nuclear fuel; electricity production; nuclear reactor types; environmental advantages/disadvantages; safety issues; radiation and human health; radioactive wastes; nuclear fusion)
- Hydroelectric Power (Dams; flood control; salmon; silting; other impacts)
- Energy Conservation (Energy efficiency; CAFE standards; hybrid electric vehicles; mass transit)
- Renewable Energy (Solar energy; solar electricity; hydrogen fuel cells; biomass; wind energy; small-scale hydroelectric; ocean waves and tidal energy; geothermal; environmental advantages/disadvantages)
Pollution (25%–30%)
A. Pollution Types 1. Air pollution (Sources — primary and secondary; major air pollutants; measurement units; smog; acid deposition — causes and effects; heat islands and temperature inversions; indoor air pollution; remediation and reduction strategies; Clean Air Act and other relevant laws)
- Noise pollution (Sources; effects; control measures)
- Water pollution (Types; sources, causes, and effects; cultural eutrophication; groundwater pollution; maintaining water quality; water purification; sewage treatment/septic systems; Clean Water Act and other relevant laws)
- Solid waste (Types; disposal; reduction)
1. Hazards to human health (Environmental risk analysis; acute and chronic effects; dose-response relationships; air pollutants; smoking and other risks)
2. Hazardous chemicals in the environment (Types of hazardous waste; treatment/disposal of hazardous waste; cleanup of contaminated sites; biomagnification; relevant laws)
C. Economic Impacts (Cost-benefit analysis; externalities; marginal costs; sustainability
Global Change (10%–15%)
- Stratospheric Ozone (Formation of stratospheric ozone; ultraviolet radiation; causes of ozone depletion; effects of ozone depletion; strategies for reducing ozone depletion; relevant laws and treaties)
- Global Warming (Greenhouse gases and the greenhouse effect; impacts and consequences of global warming; reducing climate change; relevant laws and treaties)
- Loss of Biodiversity
Documents to use for review
Review Videos